Information for Parents



How to apply for a place at Lower Farm School


You MUST complete the Education Walsall Application Form to apply for a place at Lower Farm for your child. Applications from parents of pupils who live outside the Borough of Walsall are welcomed; however you must complete the Application Form to apply for a place. Lower Farm is a very popular school and there is usually a waiting list (see How places are allocated)


If you wish to move Primary School

If your child attends a primary school and you wish to transfer to Lower Farm you should contact Mr Baker, the Head Teacher by phone, letter or e-mail.

Click here for contact information


How places are allocated


Most parents are successful in gaining a place at their chosen school. We have 26 places in our Nursery and 60 places available in our Reception Classes. Infant Class sizes are limited, by law, to 30.


If we receive more applications than there are places available then we apply the LEA’s admission criteria to decide who will be offered a place. The admission criteria are shown below, in order of priority.


1.            Children in Public Care (looked after children)

2.            Children who have a brother or sister already in attendance at the school when the application is made.

3.            Children for whom a place at the school is essential on medical or social grounds as supported in writing by a medical practitioner or a social worker. (Applications will be subject to verification by the Chief Education Officer)

4.            Distance between the address and the school as measured in a straight line, with priority given to those living closest.


If there is over-subscription in criteria 2, 3 and 4, priority will be given to those living closest to the school as measured in a straight line.


Notification of the result of your application


We will tell you by letter whether your application has been successful or unsuccessful.


Withdrawing the offer of a place

The offer of a place at an oversubscribed school may be withdrawn if the Application Form contains fraudulent or intentionally misleading information which would deny a place being given to a child with a higher priority. This may include, for example, where a false home address is given on the Application Form. Where a place is offered based on the address given on the Application Form but subsequently found to have changed because you have moved home, the place may be withdrawn. This will not affect your right of appeal.


During the admissions procedure you must notify your chosen school of any change of home address.


Waiting List Policy


A waiting list is kept for any oversubscribed year group. The waiting list will be kept in admission criteria order. Any vacancies will be offered on the basis of the LEA’s admission criteria.


A waiting list is kept for one term only. On the last day of each school term, the names of all the children will be removed from the Waiting List. If a parent wants their child’s name to be added to a new Waiting List they must write to school at the start of each new term.


Parents may enquire about their child’s position on the waiting list by contacting the school.


Click here for contact information



How to appeal if your application is unsuccessful


Parents who do not obtain a place for their child at the school of their choice have a statutory right to appeal against the decision. The appeal will be heard by an Appeal Panel which is independent of the school governing body and Local Education Authority. Parents are encouraged to attend the meeting of the Panel.


If the appeal is successful, the child must be admitted by the school.


If an appeal is unsuccessful, a further appeal in the same school year will not be heard unless there are significant changes in the circumstances of the parent or the school.


The decision of an Appeal Panel is final.


Infant Class Size Limit


The school governors are legally required to ensure that all infant classes have 30 or fewer pupils. This limit applies to Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 classes.


If an appeal is made for an infant class, the school or LEA may use the Infant Class size legislation to advise an Appeal Panel that by admitting another pupil there would be “infant class size prejudice”. This means that by admitting an additional child the school would be forced to add a new classroom or employ an extra teacher in order to keep infant classes at or below 30, now or in the future.


Where infant class size prejudice is proven, parents appealing for places are free to talk about their personal circumstances at the hearing but the panel will into take them into account unless they are relevant to the two factors they are allowed to look at, which are


a)     The decision was not one which a reasonable admission authority (LEA or governing body), properly aware of its responsibilities would make in the circumstances of the case. The circumstances which may be considered include the school’s admission policy, the internal organisation of the school and its ability to accommodate pupils in compliance with the class size limit; or

b)    The child would have been offered a place if the admission arrangements had been properly implemented.


To request an appeal form


If you wish to appeal for a place at Lower Farm School you should write to the Admissions and Planning Unit to request an appeal form.


Admissions and Planning Unit

Education Walsall,

Civic Centre




Admission appeals should be heard within a reasonable time – normally within 30 school days of an appeal being made or, for appeals during the normal admission round, within 30 school days of any specified closing dates for receipt of appeals.


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